Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm back!

Ever have one of those weeks when you drop off the face of the earth? That was last week for me! Mr. Belle out of town, Miss Priss with strep throat, me with an ear infection (yuck! I haven't had one of those in 15 years), and a busy week at work meant I hardly had time to breathe. I am SO ready for Thanksgiving.

As you may recall, I am a Twilight fan. Yes, I'm one of THOSE people. Much to my dismay, I could not go see the movie on opening night because Mr. Belle had the audacity to be born on the day it premiered. I figured it might be bad form to leave him on his birthday to go spend the evening with my fictional vampire boyfriend. However, I was finally able to go check it out on Sunday. Let me just say that seeing him on the big screen just made me fall in love with Edward Cullen all over again. The movie was cheesy and corny and melodramatic, and I'm going back to see it again on Saturday. Heh. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD (I KNEW that Mr. Belle's 58 inch plasma tv would come in handy someday).

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I can't decide...I liked it, but of course the book is MUCH better. The casting was well done - but would you understand anything if you hadn't read the books?